Tony McDonald

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Tony McDonald

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Social Media Cards

02 Mar 2020

Task outline

Whenever I share my webpage to social media, I either get the wrong image displayed or nothing is displayed. Fix this problem.

Output or results of activity

Comments on knowledge and skills demonstrated

This required searching the internet for the appropriate instructions.
Once i found the correct site, it was straight forward in fixing Facebook although Facebook debugger is still complaining about some errors. However, it works! Twitter involved adding some meta tags and validating on their website.

First, I added the meta tags to the header as suggested at the Open Graph Protocol website. The twitter tags I got from SangFroid Web Design.

Next, I logged in to Facebook and went to the debugger page and followed the instructions.


Facebook Debugger
Twitter Card validator
Open Graph Protocol
SangFroid Web Design
The Essential Meta Tags for Social Media

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